Selamat Datang Di OPAC Perpustakaan Unsoed

Melayani Dengan Hati Mengantar ke Prestasi

Jenis : KKM
Judul : Penerapan peraturan Bank Indonesia No,7/7PBI/2005 jo. No. 10/10/PBI.2008 Tentang Penyelesaian pengaduan Nasabah pada PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Persero (TBK) Cabang Purwokerto)
Subjek :
Pengarang : Esya Aspita Diandini
Pembimbing : Dr. Hj. Sulistiandari, SH., M. Hum M.I. Wiwik Yuni Hastuti, SH., MH.,
Tahun : 2014
Call Number : 1295D
Perpustakaan : Fakultas Hukum
Letak : Maaf, 1 eksemplar sedang dalam perbaikan
Abstrak :
Bank Indonesia Regulation Number : 7/7/PBI/2005 and updated or
changed to Bank Indonesia Regulation Number : 10/10/PBI/2008 on Resolving
Customer Complaints as a form of customer protection regarding customer
complaints . Therefore, each bank is required to apply the Regulation , including
PT . Bank Negara Indonesia Persero (Tbk) Branch Purwokerto
The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of
PBI . 7/7/PBI/2005 jo No.10/10/PBI/2008 on Resolving Customer Complaints on
PT . Bank Negara Indonesia Persero ( tbk ) Branch Purwokerto .
Normative research methods , descriptive literature using secondary
data from various sources such as the passage of legislation , books , magazines ,
and the internet are considered relevant to the issues to be discussed in this thesis
author and primary data as supporting data . Method of data presentation is
systematic description and method of qualitative data analysis is nomatif
From the research data showed that PT . Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk. Navan Branch has implemented all obligations contained in this
regulation , resolve any complaints , and in the case of a written complaint that
divides two written complaints and complaints through the mass media , as well
as create or SOP Implementation Guidelines (Guidelines) separate the ATM . In
connection with reporting to Bank Indonesia and sanctions for violations of the
PBI in the Settlement Manual Customer complaints (BPPPN) have not been
following the renewal of the Regulation No. 10/10/2008 regarding Resolving
Customer Complaints , however, does not mitigate against the implementation is .
Keywords : Customer Complaint, PT . Bank Negara Indonesia ( Persero ) Tbk,
PBI No. 07/07/2005 Jo PBI No. 10/10/2008