Jenis | : |
Judul | : |
TANAH BAGI PEMBANGUNAN UNTUK KEPENTINGAN UMUM lan(Kajian Terhadap Pengadaan Tanah Irigasi Slinga, Kabupaten Purbalingga)
Subjek | : |
Land tenure
Pengarang | : |
Asyraf Nur Aziz
Pembimbing | : |
Siti Kunarti,
Sri Wahyu Handayani
Prodi | : |
Tahun | : |
Call Number | : |
346.043 2 AZI p
Perpustakaan | : |
Fakultas Hukum
Letak | : |
1 eksemplar di Koleksi Referensi
Abstrak :
The state's need for land to carry out development can be met through land
acquisition as regulated in Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition in
the Development for Public Interest. Land acquisition compensation must be
implemented based on the principle of justice. However, the law doesn’t clearly
define the standards of fair and just compensation. In the implementation of land
acquisition compensation for Slinga Irrigation channel construction in Slinga
Village, there is an Eligible Party who doesn’t agree with the compensation
because he considered that the value is inappropriate and unfair. Therefore, it is
necessary to conduct a study to determine how is the application of the principle of
justice in land acquisition compensation in Slinga Village and what factors hinder
its implementation. This research is a descriptive empirical legal research. Data
sources come from primary and secondary data. Data collection was carried out
by using observation, interview, literature, and documentary methods, which being
processed using qualitative analysis methods. Based on the results and discussion,
it is known that the principle of justice has been applied generally in Slinga Village.
To explain the situation of inequality in the land acquisition process in Slinga
Village, John Rawls' Theory of Justice is applied. According to the theory, the land
acquisition compensation has been provided based on the principles of justice. It
was found that legal factors, law enforcement, facilities, and society are the factors
that hinder the application of the principle of justice.
Keywords: land acquisition; compensation; justice; irrigation channel