Tikus sawah merupakan hama utama padi yang mempunyai kemampuan tinggi untuk mendeteksi dan melacak aroma pakan dibanding hewan mamalia lain. Tanaman padi fase bunting dan fase matang susu paling disukai oleh tikus sawah. Hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan senyawa volatil yang terkandung di dalam tanaman yang menjadi daya tarik tikus untuk melacak lokasi pertanaman. Untuk mengetahui susunan komponen volatil pakan alami tikus sawah, analisis terhadap tanaman padi fase bunting dan fase matang susu dilakukan di Laboratorium Flavor, Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, menggunakan Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) dengan metode Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 54 senyawa volatil pada padi fase bunting dan 47 senyawa volatil pada padi fase matang susu. Aroma padi pada fase bunting dan fase matang susu adalah green, sweet, fatty, buttery, creamy, fruity, pungent sour, dan beany.
Identification of Volatile Component of Rice Plant at Milky and Booting Stage as Preferred Natural Feed for Rice-Field Rat. Rat is a major rice pest that can detect and smell feed odor better then other mammals. Rice plants at booting and milky stages are the most commonly attacked by rats. These may be due to the preference of the rat to volatile compounds available in the plants at both growth stages. Analysis of the volatile compounds was conducted at the Flavor Analysis Laboratory of the Indonesian Center of Rice Research (ICRR), Sukamandi, by a Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) using the Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) method. There were 54 volatile compounds identified from rice plants atbooting stage and 47 volatile compounds from that of milky stage. Descriptions of the volatile aromas contained in the rice plant at booting stage and milky stage were green, sweet, fatty, buttery, creamy, fruity, pungent sour, and beany.