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Jenis : KKM
Judul : Uji strain in compression, setting time dan reproduction of detail terhadap alginate impression material hasil sitesis modifikasi bahan pengisi
Subjek : Dental material
Pengarang : Mahindra Awwaludin Romdlon G1G008002
Pembimbing : Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita; A Haris Budi Widodo
Prodi : Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Tahun : 2012
Call Number : 2012 012 ROM u
Perpustakaan : Jurusan Kedokteran Gigi
Letak : 1 eksemplar di Jurusan Kedokteran Gigi
Abstrak :
Bahan cetak alginat sampai sekarang masih banyak digunakan di Kedokteran Gigi dengan alasan penanganannya mudah, alat yang dipergunakan relatif sederhana, elastis, cukup akurat apabila penanganannya secara tepat dan relatif lebih murah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji strain in compression, setting time dan reproduction of detail terhadap alginate impression material hasil sintesis modifikasi bahan pengisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental laboratoris. Sintesis menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia yang beredar di pasaran Indonesia. Pengujian strain in compression menggunakan alat uji kekuatan tarik Mesdanlab Strenght, pengujian setting time dan reproduction of detail menggunakan alat ukur kedalaman yang dimodifikasi. Data yang diperoleh untuk strain in compression optimal sebesar 1, 353 N, sedangkan standarnya adalah 0,37-0,69 N/mm, setting time yaitu 03:37,14 s, sedangkan standar fast setting (1-2 menit) atau normal setting (2-4 menit). dan reproduction of detail yaitu 9,25 mm. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan menggunakan material dengan kualitas bagus dan mempunyai media penyimpanan yang tepat agar tidak terkontaminasi, komposisi yang tepat, meneliti karakteristik alginate impression material yang lain yaitu working time, recovery form deformation, compressive strength, compatibility with gypsum, deterioration dan dimensional stability.

Kata kunci: Alginate Impression Material, Setting Time, Strain in Compression, Reproduction of Detail.
Kepustakaan : 30 (1986-2011)

Alginate impression material are still widely used in dentistry due to the easy handling, the tool used is relatively simple, elastic, quite accurate when proper handling and reatively cheaper. This study aimed to test the strain in compression, setting time and the reproduction of detail of the alginate impression material synthesized modified fillers. The method used in this study was experimental laboratory. Synthesis using chemicals on the market in Indonesia. Strain in compression testing using a tensile strength tester Mesdanlab Strength, setting time and reproduction of detail using a modified depth gauge. The results were obtained for optimal strain in compression of 1, 353 N while the standard is 0.37-0.69 N/mm, setting time is 03:37,14 s while the standard of fast setting (1-2 minutes) or normal setting (2-4 minutes) and reproduction of detail is 9.25 mm. Further researches are expected to use the good quality materials and have the appropriate storage to avoid contamination, the exact composition, examines the other characteristics of alginate impression material such as working time, recovery form deformation, compressive strength, compatibility with gypsum, deterioration and dimensional stability.

Keywords: Alginate Impression Material, Setting Time, Strain in Compression, Reproduction of Detail.
Bilbliography: 30 (1986-2011)