Abstrak :
This final report is entitled "Obstacles and Strategies of Improving English skill for foreign tour guides in Water Castle Yogyakarta". The job training was conducted on January 23rd – February 23th, 2017. The purposes of my job training is to identify obstacles experienced by the tour guides, and the strategies that tour guides apply to improve their English skill.
The writer used four methods to gather the data including observation, interview, documentation, and participation. Based on job training observation, the writer concludes that the guides have good English skill in performing their job. However, the writer still found several obstacle the guides experience such as, pronunciation, vocabularies, and culture.
Based on the job training, the writer has found solution to solve the obstacles faced by tour guides, which are: 1) The tour guide should learn more about the culture of many countries in the world. 2) The guides need to improve their listening skill, 3) The guides need to carry a Pocket Dictionary to anticipate unfamiliar words.