Jenis | : |
Judul | : |
RUMAH TANGGA OLEH SUAMI TERHADAP ISTRI (Studi Putusan Nomor 21/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Wsb)
Subjek | : |
Domestic violence
Pengarang | : |
Eka Anzili Rahma
Pembimbing | : |
Agus Raharjo,
Setya Wahyudi
Prodi | : |
Tahun | : |
Call Number | : |
345.025 55 RAH u
Perpustakaan | : |
Fakultas Hukum
Letak | : |
1 eksemplar di Koleksi Referensi
Abstrak :
The overwhelming majority of domestic violence that occurs in Indonesia is experienced by
women as beings who are considered physically weaker. The form of the State's attention in
addressing these cases is by issuing Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of
Domestic Violence or can be referred to as the PKDRT Law, the Law is also a form of legal
protection for victims by providing criminal sanctions to perpetrators as well as a new
breakthrough in positive law in Indonesia. Although the Law is more specific about domestic
violence, in some cases there are still decisions that still use the Criminal Code. as a reference
for the imposition of punishment for perpetrators of domestic violence. This research aims to
analyze penal efforts in handling cases of domestic violence by husbands against wives. The
research method used is normative juridical with prescriptive analytical research specifications.
Based on the research results of Decision Number 21/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Wsb, it can be concluded
that the decision of the Panel of Judges was based on legal facts, evidence, the guilt of the
Defendant, as well as mitigating and aggravating factors, so that the perpetrator of domestic
violence in the case was deemed to have fulfilled the elements of Article 44 paragraph (1) of Law
Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence and was sentenced to 2
years and 6 months imprisonment.
Keywords: Penal Efforts, Domestic Violence, By Husband.