Abstrak :
Small Claims Court is a court that provides formalities for people who want to
sue with the material of the lawsuit is not large, besides that the examination of
the case is not complicated and simple characteristic that does not require a lot
of money like filing a case to the general court. In Indonesia, Small Claims have
been adopted in Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) Number 4 of 2019
concerning Amendments to PERMA Number 2 of 2015 concerning Procedures for
Settling Small Claims, it is stipulated in it that legal remedies against simple
claims are objections. This study aims to analyze the judge's legal considerations
and legal consequences in granting requests for legal remedies to object to
Decision Number 12/Pdt.G.S.K/2021/PN Jkt.Sel. The legal research method used
is normative juridical with analytical prescriptive type research specifications.
The results of this study show that the Panel of Judges objected in granting the
objection application filed by the original Defendant against the simple lawsuit
decision Number 12/Pdt.G.S./2021/PN Jkt.Sel. has fulfilled the formal and
material requirements (Article 23,24,26 PERMA Small Claims), the Single Judge
in the first instance has misunderstood the formalities of the plaintiff's claim (Less
Party Claim). The Panel of Objection Judges in its decision overturned the judge's
decision in the first instance and declared the plaintiff's claim inadmissible (NO),
the decision has permanent legal force (inkract) because the Small Claims
PERMA states that the decision of the objection legal remedy is final or the end
for which no other legal remedy is available.
Keywords: Small Claims, Objection, Granted