Abstrak :
Maltreatment committed by children is a criminal offense that is currently rampant
in Indonesia, especially in the Purworejo Regency area. One of the efforts taken in
handling juvenile criminal offenses is through diversion. Diversion is the transfer
of the settlement of children's cases from the criminal justice system to outside the
criminal justice system and must be pursued from the level of investigation to the
level of examination in court. This research uses a juridical sociological approach
with descriptive research specifications. The research location is Purworejo Police
Station and the data collection method is by interview, non-participant observation
and literature study. The method of determining informants using Purposive
Sampling and Snowball Sampling techniques. The types and sources of data used
are primary data and secondary data while the qualitative analysis method is
Content Analysis Method. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the
implementation of diversion efforts at Purworejo Police Station has been carried
out by deliberation between the perpetrator or victim accompanied by parents or
guardians, attended by BAPAS, PEKSOS, Community Leaders and Religious
Leaders and no detention which begins with an analysis of the fulfillment of
diversion requirements. The implementation of diversion efforts at Purworejo
Police Station has not been fully successful, because there are still families of
victims who reject diversion because they feel unfair and cannot forgive the
mistakes of the perpetrators. The obstacles to the implementation of diversion
efforts are influenced by several factors, namely the structure of law enforcement,
infrastructure, culture and society of Purworejo Regency.
Keywords: Diversion, Juvenile Offender, Crime of Maltreatment